Reykjavík overview
25. September 2020

Amendments to the Icelandic Trademarks Act

On 1 September 2020, Icelandic act no. 71/2020, amending the Icelandic Trademarks Act no. 45/1997, entered into force. The act implements the European Union trademark directive 2015/2436 into Icelandic law.

On 1 September 2020, Icelandic act no. 71/2020, amending the Icelandic Trademarks Act no. 45/1997, entered into force. The act implements the European Union trademark directive 2015/2436 into Icelandic law. It contains various new provisions and harmonizes the EU and EEA trademark systems, not only regarding trademarks but also regarding collective marks and guarantee and certification marks. Also, on 1 September 2020, a new supplementary Trademarks Regulation no. 850/2020 entered into force in Iceland, replacing the older Trademarks Regulation no. 310/1997.

María Kristjánsdóttir, Deputy Managing Director at GH Intellectual Property wrote an article where she discusses the main amendments of the act.

Reykjavík overview