Ducks on Reykjavik pond
Unfair Competition

Unfair Competition

Unfair competition is generally understood as any act of competition that is contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters. A dishonest practice is not something that can be defined with precision. The standard of fairness or honesty may change from country to country, as well as evolve in time. It is, therefore, our experience that reliable advice from local experts is necessary to ascertain whether an act of unfair competition has occurred.

Unfair Competition

Our attorneys offer valuable legal expertise and experience once it comes to matters relating to unfair competition and advice our clients on the appropriate course of action.

Reykjavík overview

We offer comprehensive advice and assistance in respect of unfair competition and have extensive experience in bringing complaints to the Icelandic Consumer Agency in such matters. The Icelandic Act on unfair commercial practices and marketing offers additional protection to trademarks, trade names and domains as well as trade secrets and confidential information. Enforcement of the Act is carried out by the Consumer Agency which can impose fines in case of infringement. Our attorneys offer valuable legal expertise and experience once it comes to matters relating to unfair competition and advice our clients on the appropriate course of action.